The KISS Rules of Racing 2024 Edition

Based on Duck Dodge (Seattle) Rules and the WMSBA Rules for Racing Small Boats.

By James Maxwell

1. Don't hit anything. This is self-explanatory.

2. Right of Way are the Big Four: Opposing tacks starboard stays on, same tack leeward stays on, closest to the mark has RoW and keep clear while tacking and gybing. See also Rule #1.

3. Corinthian Rule: We're a well-bred sport. To that end we don't call penalties on one another, we let them call their own penalty and take their turns. No one cares if you lose. Everyone cares if you cheat. Questions and discussion are always welcome after the race.

4. Take your marks to the outside of the course unless otherwise directed. If your mark is a land mass take it to your starboard side.

5. Reefing and/or retiring can be the mark of good seamanship. While every effort is made to ensure safe conditions while racing there is no dishonor in making the right choice for you, your vessel and your crew. Safety is #5 on this list.

6. Monitor VHF 69 during racing hours.

7. If race officials are unavailable, start and finish by mob rule and consensus.

8. Have fun. Any day on the water beats a day on the dock. But it is wise to remember it's better to be at the dock wishing you were on the water then on the water wishing you were at the dock.

Procedural Notes

  • Races start at a designated time unless otherwise noted at the skippers meeting. The start sequence unless otherwise discussed and agreed will be a standard (5-4-1) sequence on a ten minute warning. Sound and/or visual signals, if given, are a courtesy only and should not be relied on. Fleet announcements regarding the race including starting will be made over VHF 69.

  • A pin buoy will be set in a reasonable time before the 10 minute warning by the committee or otherwise designated boat. The start line is pin to the nearest end of the Dayton dock. 

  • Race officials are there to enable the race. They are not referees and should not be relied on in that capacity. See Rule #3.

  • Any circumstantial extra rules or procedures are only for the duration of that contest.

  • Three of the same class will make a fleet. Fleet racing during KISS events is primarily for bragging rights. 

  • Finish time is to be recorded as HH:MM:SS (12hr) not elapsed time. If seconds are not in the record :59 will be entered for computation purposes.

(To a lessor extent see also the Commandments of Beer Can Racing)